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2022 | Neither Center nor Periphery: Hacking the “Latin Americanness” within Artistic Practice, Media Archeology and Digital Culture

Instituto Iberoamericano de Berlín 

Moderator of a round table discussion organized within the framework of Planetary Atoll: Connecting Latin American Dots (panke.gallery/rosa), an exhibition dedicated to the net art produced in the region throughout the last three decades. From the perspective of the arts as well as the human and social sciences, the panel aims to reflect on certain configurations adopted by cultural transfers in the trans-regional context, particularly those related to the techno-political phenomenon. Diego Gómez Venegas (Chile/Germany), Molly Soda (Puerto Rico/United States) and Óscar Gonzalez Diaz (United States/Mexico/Germany) shared their insights on the ways in which the production of knowledge associated with cybernetics, the Internet and digital culture as a whole intertwines the global and the local. The result of these crossings are new paradigms that not only encourage reshaping traditional schemes anchored in the center/periphery dichotomy, but also reconsidering practical and conceptual challenges implied by categories such as “Latin American” and “Ibero-American”.

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