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2016 | From/About Latin America: Local Poetic Imaginaries for the Development of the Argentinian New Media Art Field


Publicado en: Media-N: Journal of the New Media Caucus. Noviembre de 2016, vol.12, no. 1. 

ABSTRACT: This paper seeks to explore the particular features of the conformation and expansion of the contemporary Latin American new media art field, focusing on the Argentine scene. The article states that the intersection between art and technology around the globe has become an extensive, complex and relatively undefined territory, shaped by certain characteristics in constant struggle. The paper argues that in the Latin American context, and specially in Argentina, this situation is even more complex. Despite Argentina occupies a central role in the Latin American new media art scene, it still has not been able to boost meaningful public and private policies capable of sustaining themselves over time, such as the ones implemented in countries like Mexico or Brazil. The analysis concludes by stating that the Latin American new media art field can also be consolidated through a discourse that assumes the local reality without reinforcing the confrontation of peripheral and core countries. According to some recent case studies that will be considered along the lines of the paper, many interesting local technology-based art often arises when artists do not attempt to speak about Latin America. Instead, they use different technologies as tools, materials and media in relation to the concepts enhanced by their work. In summary, they do not speak about the Latin American condition, but they outline a new way of thinking about it.


Claudia Valente, Espejos de cobre
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